
May 4, 2025
Prague Marathon 2025
Prague Marathon 2025

All runners are beautiful!

The Prague International Marathon has become an essential race on the world marathon circuit, both for elite runners and for other amateur runners, voted one of the most beautiful in the world and is listed as a Elite Label Road Race by the World Athletics.

This world-class event had its first edition in 1995 under the patronage of legendary Olympic champion Emil Zátopek. The impressive course of the marathon is flat and fast and attracts runners from all over the world.

Well-preserved over the centuries, Prague’s renowned architectural beauty offers spectacular insight into history and unforgettable future memories. A magnificent way to enjoy an extremely beautiful city thanks to sports.

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El recorrido de este maratón tiene su comienzo en la Plaza de la Ciudad Vieja, dejando atrás el mundialmente famoso Reloj Astronómico, y circula por las antiguas calles hasta el Río Moldava que ofrece una increíble vista del Castillo de Praga mientras cruza el Puente de Carlos, uno de los puentes góticos y magníficos del mundo. No te preocupes, el recorrido no sube hasta el Castillo por lo que ¡no sufrirás esas temidas cuestas que hay en esa zona!.

Y tras correr a través de los diferentes barrios y monumentos históricos de la ciudad, el recorrido vuelve a la histórica Plaza de la Ciudad Vieja lo que se convierte en una de las metas más bonitas de los maratones que puedes correr.


The course of this marathon begins in the Old Town Square, leaving behind the world famous Astronomical Clock, and runs through the old streets to the Vltava River that offers an incredible view of Prague Castle while crossing the Charles Bridge, one of the gothic and magnificent bridges in the world. Don’t worry, the route doesn’t go up to the Castle, so you won’t suffer those dreaded slopes in that area!

And after running through the different neighborhoods and historical monuments of the city, the route returns to the historic Old Town Square, which becomes one of the most beautiful marathon finish line you can run.