New YorkHalf Marathon

March 16, 2025
Logo Medio Maratón Nueva York
New York Half Marathon 2025
New York Half Marathon 2025

From Prospect Park to Central Park

The United Airlines NYC Half is a half marathon that will surprise you. And we are not just saying it, because you will be able to feel a warm welcome from New Yorkers cheering on all the runners and you will have the security of running a great event organized by NYRR, the same organization that organizes the legendary New York marathon. So if you’re planning to run in the Big Apple but aren’t ready for a marathon, the New York Half Marathon is the way to go.

Unique chance to run through Times Square, an area that is closed very few times a year, and to experience the St. Patrick’s Day party that is held days before the event and is one of the most iconic festivities in the US due to the tradition of Irish immigrants arriving in the past.

Flecha derecha
Flecha izquierda

Un recorrido que fue rediseñado relativamente hace poco, y es que en 2018 la organización decidió darle un sentido más icónico a la carrera haciendo que la misma comience en el icónico barrio de Brooklyn, dentro del Prospect Park, antes de que los corredores crucen el East River a través del Puente de Manhattan. Una vez en Manhattan, los corredores correrán a lo largo del Lower East Side, hasta Midtown y a través de Times Square antes de terminar en Central Park.

Con calles anchas, recorrido completamente cerrado y una ruta interesante e inspiradora, el medio maratón de Nueva York podría ser tu medio maratón objetivo. Incluso podría ser la prueba perfecta para dar el primer paso fijar tu mirada en el famoso maratón de Nueva York.


A route that was redesigned relatively recently, and that in 2018 the organization decided to give a more iconic meaning to the race by making it start in the iconic Brooklyn neighborhood, inside Prospect Park, before the runners cross the East River through the Manhattan Bridge. Once in Manhattan, runners will run along the Lower East Side, up to Midtown and through Times Square before finish in Central Park.

With wide streets, a fully enclosed course, and an interesting and inspiring course, the New York Half Marathon could be your half marathon target. It could even be the perfect test to take the first step to set your sights on the famous New York marathon.